Well this is my first blog and so far the only people who know about this are our immediate families. I decided to wait and tell everyone when I come back to california Nov 3rd-17th...But by the time you read this I will be almost 4 months prego! Ay yai yai!!
Yes it's TRUE! I am pregnant. As surprising as that is to you I am just as surprised as I found out last week that I am 3 months pregnant. What the???!!!
So heres how I think it started. If I count back to the day the baby was conceived, it was around the time my sister came to visit at the end of July But could very well be the beginning of august. Its really hard to tell since I have been on birth control since January!! Yes I was using a contraceptive and had a menstrual period in aug. So i kept taking my pills. September came around and nothing happened..I was about to start my new pack of pills but decided to wait until I started my period. I had all the symptoms but nothing happened. I honestly didnt think anything of it because i was on the pill. Not to mention my periods are NEVER consistant...BUT i never had one in sept. so i was worried. By the end of september i took a home pregnancy test and IT WAS POSITIVE! we couldnt believe it!
So i had to wait until October first to see the gynocologist..She was super nice and said that getting pregnant while on birth control happens more frequesty than you know. She guessed that I was 8 weeks based on my last menstrual cycle but she wanted to be sure so she sent me to an obgyn!
Derek and I went to the obgyn to see the ultrasound together. We expected to see just a little peanut(embryo) but much to our surprise we saw a FETUS! The baby has distinct arms and legs..NOT STUMPS!!! He told us I was 11.5 weeks pregant! WTF!!!
okay so now I'm paranoid. Is it bad that i took birth control for the first 2 months? what about all the iron and prenatal pills? I definitely ate my fair share of sushi, blue cheese, brie cheese, deli meats, etc.... I am freaking out.
So I now have the WORST i mean WORST morning sickness. Although its not just morning!! Its all day...everyday! I cant eat anything, I have to pee all the time and I get awful migraine headaches. OH and smells!! EVERYTHING SMELLS DISGUSTING!! FOOD, WATER, CRACKERS, RAIN, SHEETS, TOWELS, AIR!!! Everything smells gross and is magnified times 1000!! I dont remember any of my 8 friends who had babies last year complaining about being sick! AM I THE ONLY ONE? ughhhhh!! its miserable. I just want to sleep all the time!
Only 3 more weeks until I come home to Cali.. I have not decided yet but I may go to that ultrasound place in Costa mesa. I should be far enough along to find out:) wish me luck.
Coming Soon / Sugarplum Spring Edit!
22 hours ago