I'm officially at war with myself. I am having the hardest time with the idea of putting Zoie in a toddler bed for many reasons and some of them are selfish ;/ Here's my train of thought. Zoie Does not attempt, nor has she ever attempted to climb out of her bed (Now that I let that out of the bag surely it will happen soon). She goes to bed so easily in her little cage and just calls for me in the morning when she wants out. Sometimes I can even turn on a "moo-moo" (movie) and she will lay there for another hour or two (so nice for mommy to sleep an extra hour). I am so afraid that if I switch her to a toddler bed she will roam around the house by herself. OK who are we kidding. I'm so afraid she will crawl in bed with me every night. I know this sounds bad. Don't get me wrong I DO love my little cuddle sessions with my favorite little person BUT as soon as she's passed out it's ME...Ashley... who doesn't get any sleep. I get little toes stuck in my nose, a foot in my eye, a headbutt(once she slammed her head down so hard I thought it broke my nose) and a full 2 year old stretched across my stomach like a baby lamb. Not to mention she thrashes, cries out, screams, calls my name, and speaks a different language when she is sleeping. I know this seems like an exaggeration but its not. People can vouch...SUSAN?! Alright I think I just made a decision. I'm not ready to put her in a toddler bed and It seems like she isn't either. Until she starts climbing out I don't think its going to hurt her by staying in a crib for a little longer.
Now onto the bottle! Where do I begin? Well many of my friends took bottles away at 1 year. I however have not. She only gets a bottle for naps and right before she goes to bed at night( yes, I am defending myself). It soothes her. I have tried many times (only because I forgot a bottle) to give her milk in a sippy cup and she refuses to drink it. The milk ends up going to waste unless I can find a bottle to pour it in. I figure, if this is the only way she will drink milk then so be it in a bottle. It's not hurting me, or you, or Zoie(some people/dentists will disagree). Here I go again defending myself. She has never been a pacifier girl AND she only has the bottle 2 times a day for less than 10 minutes so I don't see any harm in it. I know many people who took the bottle away and their kids don't touch milk anymore. I pray that this never happens! ThE EnD!
DIY Spring Flower Lanterns
22 hours ago